bernstein 2011年校园招聘宣讲会成功举行
2010年10月27日下午,bernstein research 来到北京大学国家发展研究院/bimba(bimba)举行了2011年校园招聘宣讲会。
bernstein research招聘负责人beth ann对学生们做了非常详细的凯发首页入口home的介绍,以及他们对应聘学生的要求。负责人讲到:“bernstein research是一个追求完美的公司。相比华尔街众多的分析研究公司,bernstein research是规模比较小的,但确享誉行业中最高的声望。” bernstein research多年来没有改变他们最初的理念,那就是做世界上最好的分析研究公司。要达到这个理念,bernstein research员工的能力成为达到理念目标最关键的一点。负责人指出,应聘人必须热爱这个行业,热爱分析研究工作。所以公司在招聘新员工时,第一个问题就是“你爱分析研究吗?”
beth请出了两位新入职的员工,他们结合自身的经历与感受,畅谈了自己选择bernstein research的初衷和在bernstein research的职业发展和培训收获。他们表示,bernstein research文化包容、前景广阔,并且为员工的职业发展、能力提升提供全方位的支持。 最后,公司又简要解释了招聘的标准和职位申请流程。
整场宣讲会过程中,演讲人与观众一直保持着良好的互动,将宣讲会的气氛推向一个又一个高潮。在q&a环节,同学们踊跃地就bernstein research公司细节展开提问,甚至在宣讲会结束后,仍很多同学围着各位负责人进行交流。最终,整场活动圆满结束。
alliancebernstein is a research-driven investment firm that is global in scope and client-centered in its mission. we don’t put our interests at odds with your interests, whether you are an investment-management client or a client of our sell-side research unit, sanford c. bernstein.
we believe research excellence is the key to better outcomes, so we’ve built research capabilities with exceptional breadth, depth and focus on innovation, on the buy-side and the sell-side.
we start by asking you to tell us about yourself. then, we focus on helping you solve the increasingly complex investment challenges you face. we listen first; then we put our research to work to find the solution that’s right for you.
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we’ve developed separate service organizations to meet the distinct needs of private clients, mutual-fund investors and the many types of institutional clients we serve in markets around the world. our sell-side research organization also has its own sales and service organization.